It’s All Good

WHAT A DIFFERENCE a day, and a little sunshine, make.

Since my whiny post of 24 hours ago, a slew of encouraging things have happened:

  • I discovered the source of the scary beeping. It was an OLD smoke detector I had found on top of the refrigerator the night before and tossed in the trash outside, never imagining the battery was still good and that rain (?) could set it off. When LIPA arrived (I called but was too late to stop them), I apologized and was told, “No problem – we’re on overtime.” LIPA’s rates are famously high.
  • The dumpster was removed from my driveway.
  • Marcello’s men came to tamp down the muddy mess in the driveway. They’re returning today to continue the battle against the forces of evil wisteria.

    $5 hanging basket

    $5 hanging basket

  • I went swimming at the gigantic, modern East Hampton Y, which is like the gym of a major midwestern university ($37/month!)
  • I bought two hanging baskets of annuals for the front deck for $5 each at a farmer’s market.IMG_0640
  • I discovered the Ladies’ Village Improvement Society (how Victorian is that?) thrift shop and bought a big magazine basket for $10, with promise of more to come.

    Rich pickin's at the LVIS

    Rich pickin's at the LVIS

  • I joined the East Hampton library and discovered they have an entire room of gardening books, including some of my favorites which are packed away in storage. I took out about 10 of them for inspiration and ideas as I make plans to organize the backyard into functional spaces.
  • The sun is out and the house is a temperate 66 degrees.
  • I had a good meal last night at the chic Laundry (restaurant, not laundromat) with my friend Jifat.
  • I’ve been invited to an art opening and a party but am hanging loose — not sure I want to tear myself away from the house and my long to-do list.

    My local beach (Maidstone) reminds me of the Greek Islands in its pristineness and serenity

    The pristineness and serenity of my local beach, Maidstone, reminds me of the (undiscovered) Greek Islands