That Deck Again: The Finished Product


INDULGE ME ONE LAST POST about my new deck, and then we’ll move on to other topics. The job is done as of this afternoon — it took 3-1/2 days, and I think the builders did a stellar job. Grateful shout-out, too, to my architect friend, Jifat Windmiller, who conceived the deck plan for me. (To see the horrifying “before” pictures of just a week ago, go here.)


When Jifat stopped by this evening to see it, she was surprised that the half-moon doors, which now form the entrance to the shower stall from the inside of the platform, weren’t used as a wall facing toward the backyard. That’s how she envisioned it, but we’d kind of left that up in the air. I thought I could handle that bit myself; I designed the shower enclosure in about 15 minutes and sketched something up for the builders. Now Jifat finds that big square outer wall “too solid” and wants me to cut a hole in it, or a matching half-circle. Hmmmph.


We shall see. I like being sheltered in the shower by nearby trees and don’t care that there’s no direct view of the woods from the shower itself. The square wall of cedar looks pleasingly Japanese to me. But the truth is, I see her point. It’s mostly it’s that I don’t want to call the builders back here for minor tweaks that could be costly.

There’s still a lot to do in terms of landscaping around the new deck, and I’m raring to move ahead on the bathroom reno. But right now I’m savoring this accomplishment, at least for a few days.

One more day of guesses on the cost of the deck, and then I’ll reveal the magic number. For a chance to win a copy of the 1970s-vintage book, East Hampton: A History and Guide, send along your best guess in the comments on this post or either of the two preceding deck-related posts.

9 thoughts on “That Deck Again: The Finished Product

  1. I have loved following the creation of your deck! It looks great. Can’t wait to see how you landscape it! I didn’t realize there would actually be two decks – what was your reasoning in not connecting them?

  2. Brave, Gold Medal. Honestly I wasn’t horrified by the before but it looked kind of “buggy” if you you what I mean. I vote for holes in the shower wall. I mean, why build an outdoor show if you can’t see out?

  3. I think there should be a half circle as well. Otherwise, wow, your deck looks so inviting! What a difference!

  4. hi Quinn, I had originally staked out one big L-shaped deck, but it looked cumbersome. My friend the architect came up with the idea of a separate shower platform on a different level. In retrospect, I suppose there could have been some functional reason for connecting them (so you could step from one to the other – this way you have to go around, down the steps of one and up the steps of the other) but it’s not strictly necessary, and now there’s an area for planting in between them. Terry – well, you can see UP;-)

  5. I vote for more view from the shower. That’s the whole idea behind an outdoor shower;that you get to commune with nature while sluicing off the dirt and sweat of the day. Also think esthetically it makes more sense.

    Tweaking aside it looks great! Kudos.

  6. Hurts my neck to look up all the time. I probably wouldn’t close the door unless I had company. But getting to the essence: Outdoor shower = unmatched goodness.

  7. Yes, I think I would rather have half moon cut outs facing the garden, the decks connected & the steps moved to the connecting part….BUT having experienced the shower the way it is, it is wonderful & very satisfying!!!

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