Mud Now, Flowers Later

Just a few more weeks: daffs and peach tree, below, bloom in April


MARCH IS MUD SEASON in the Hudson Valley, raw, wet, and long. If I lived here full-time, I’d probably have to shoot myself right about now, but for remembering what’s to come.

After gardening on this property for seven years, I know it’s not long before brown turns to green, and then to an outrageous floral extravaganza.

In the meantime, I sustain myself with pictures from prior seasons (the small ones were taken Tuesday).p10301741

If those are globe aliums, it must be May

If those are globe alliums, above, it must be May



June: catmint, ladies mantle, threadleaf coreopsis, and daylilies, above


Late summer: "Island bed" with rudbeckia, sedum autumn joy

The island bed in August, above and below, with rudbeckia, sedum, boltonia, and more168_6889p1030179


Above, Coneflowers in late summer

2 thoughts on “Mud Now, Flowers Later

  1. Trust me, I share your “If I lived here full-time, I’d probably have to shoot myself right about now” sentiment – but please, weedwhack that thought.

    Think… daffodils.

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