Debut of “The Insider” on


LAST THURSDAY, the first post in my new series “The Insider,” exploring how we Brooklynites furnish and decorate our homes, went up on the powerhouse real-estate site,

Every Thursday at 11:30AM, I’ll be putting up a new entry, covering the work of both professionals and DIY-ers in every style, neighborhood, and housing type. There are only two unshakeable criteria: an abundance of creativity and a Brooklyn address!

“The Insider” kicks off with the Carroll Gardens home and studio of architect Kim Hoyt, above. There’s lots more in the pipeline. Take a look, and let me know what you think.

Please SHARE, TWEET, COMMENT, CROSS-POST, SEND ME LEADS, and whatever else you can think of to help get this project rolling. Thanks a bunch!

11 thoughts on “Debut of “The Insider” on

  1. Congrats and what a great idea!! I love it! I’m looking forward to seeing each- being a former Brooklynite (now in Atlanta-boo)
    :) I’m sure you will do a fab job-this site is proof!

  2. Congrats, now the big bucks will start rolling in.
    I’m enjoying the bright colors but I thought that was against the law these days. I like brownstoner a lot. Hope we get one in Atlanta too. We just got Curbed though.

  3. Congratulations! What a great gig. Well-deserved! And how fun to legitimately be able to visit as many rooms – and blogs – in Brooklyn as possible. If you post the link here each week, will always click through from here. And hope massive amounts of Brooklyners do vice versa.

  4. Congrats, Sweetheart. You deserve it. I used to comment on Brownstoner…”Why?”…I wonder.

    Anyway, someone “stole” (took over”) my log in name (!!!) when the website decided to do a redesign. After the redesign, someone signed up as BrooklynGreene and that was it. I tried to enroll under my old name and couldn’t. Now that you’re working for them, do something for me and have them kick the imposter off! :-)

    Come over to Fort Greene and Clinton Hill for your column. There are some spectacular interiors!

    Wish I had your energy!

    And now that you’ve been in Prospect Heights, join the coop already. :-)

  5. hi folks, thanks for your congrats. As of tomorrow — The Insider #2 — we’re changing the format to make the captions easier to read. Check it out after 11:30AM. And please, please, send me leads if you know of any potential locations for the series. BGNA, I’m sure there are spectacular interiors in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill. The question is knowing exactly who they belong to and being able to reach those people! Melissa, good to hear from you – it’s been a while! Maze, Terry, rh, Cop, Nia – appreciate your support:-)

Got something to say? Please say it!